Immigrant Services

Immigrant and Family Health (I.F. Health), Inc. offers the following services to connect immigrants with existing health resources and to assist them in navigating these resources, minimizing barriers to accessing healthcare:

  • Community Health Screenings

  • Research Health Resource Infographics

  • Navigation Support

  • Informational Workshop

Community Health SCreenings

I.F. Health provides BP (blood pressure) and BMI (body mass index) health screenings for the community at various events such as health fairs and immigrant community gatherings. We also provide educational resources to encourage a healthier lifestyle.

I.F. Health places particular emphasis on BP and BMI screenings because of their association with several chronic disorders. These factors can be managed through a healthy lifestyle. Further information is provided alongside each screening.

I.F. Health offers a range of language-specific infographics to educate the community about health-related topics and resources.

Research Health Resource infographics

I.F. Health provides support in finding care, comparing and signing up for insurance, making health appointments, and understanding the US health system, among other services.

Navigation Support